Hi, I am Oddept
Check out what I made

Food Heaven

This project was also made by a group of artists and me as the soloing developer. The artists I had in my team had barely used 3D before so I needed to fix the scaling myself but it worked out in the end and the game looked as we wanted it to. The game is called Food Heaven but we called it Arkanooit as a pun for a project name since at the beginning we had yet to decide on a name and needed a name to define it for better communication in chats and in person.

This was a project I worked in collaberation with. For a school assignment we needed to make an idea, so we just made an prototype instead. Working with two artists and a fellow dev was quite fun. The visuals, code and the idea was all made in 3 days. A small personal gamejam if you will. The game is about co-operation, you need eachother to continue to the other level but at the same time control the same camera, This leads to quite a hectic game which you can either work together in or cause ultimate chaos in.
Space Invaders Prototype

This was made in 2 hours as a test, I had fun making it and was done with it pretty quick. The assignment was to make a space invaders prototype. I got a good grade for it. This was a bit of time ago but I still think it's a funny project.

These are a couple of the logo's I've made through the years. This is not all but shows a bit of what I can do with it.

This very site

I made this very site, it's my first site that I released and I am quite happy with it so far. I would tell you to check it out but that would be a little late considering you are already on it.
Check it out?