Hi, I am Oddept
Development & Design

What I do
C# and Unity are my primary languages and tools I use. I know a bit in JS and Java and am always happy to learn new things. My goal is to get better at game related tasks and thus focus on this in projects. Previously have used Unreal Engine for a project with the blueprints.
I've made logo's in Adobe Illustrator and also have experience working in Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. Whether it be for fun, a project or a prototype, I make a logo for it. Having interest in 3D and a bit of experience in Cinema4D and Blender also greatly helps!
Who I am
Prototyper based in the Netherlands
When I was a child I was always amazed by games, and to be fair to my parents... I might've played a bit to much. But this passion led me te become a gamedeveloper at a Dutch art school called SintLucas.
I've greatly enjoyed making friends there and it sparked another passion in me. Game Design. As such I am going to focus on Game Design primarily but will surely not drop development. Development and especially Game Development will stay a hobby of mine and I will still be working on my skills. With my friends I also start smaller projects that have to do with games from time to time.

My work
Check it out!